To explain, the movie follows the cliche college teens going to a cabin all alone in the woods, but an organization has the entire area under protection and is setting them up for some sort of ritual. Each character was picked for their qualities, and when they find the creepy basement, they unknowingly choose the item of their demise. The book of a deceased family is found, so zombies are brought into play. Lots of fighting and drama ensue, flipping back to these men tucked away in a control room laughing and placing bets on who will die when. The characters get picked off until two remain, and the two stumble upon the facility calling the shots. They release the variety of creatures used in these rituals and they tear apart the organization, finally getting to the center where a pit with some unknown demon is located. The world crumbles as the movie ends, the ritual incomplete by the survival of the last two characters.
Rather strange, right? The movie was horror, looking back on it, but they did try to be funny for short periods which just ruined my opinion on it. The movie's worth a watch, but it isn't quite as scary as I would've liked.
I'm usually not a big fan of Horror movies. Both because it scares me and because people in them are so stupid, or as you put it "cliche college teens" They always stand completely still waiting to die or do something stupid like stay in the same place. x No promises but I might try to watch this someday.